Saturday, March 24, 2012


This month is a month of transitions for tukula and we are so grateful for all the support we have received!

Joe and I are now living in the states working hard to advocate for the ladies and sell their bags! We are so thankful that Benji and the tukula women are such hard workers and amazing people who we trust completely. We were so sad to say goodbye but are excited to experience a new season and help tukula the best we can.

We couldn't leave with out a party though! So we all had lunch together at our favorite "Mum's Cafe" and then headed to the pool. Only two of the ladies (Sally and Lydia) actually swam because the others were a bit afraid. But it was still a lot of fun to say the least. It was the very first time for Sally's niece Flavia (5) and Bennah's son Jacob (1) to be at the pool so there was some happy and not so happy screams!

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